Global Financial Data Project Class Action Settlement
The U.S. District Court, Northern District of California granted final approval of the class settlement on March 2, 2020.
An estimated schedule of settlement payments to Claimants may be accessed here. The last day to submit a claim, opt-out notice, or to object to the settlement was December 20, 2019. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Class Counsel.
A Class Action Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit involving Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich and BizQualify LLC, captioned Hu, et al. v. Plehn-Dujowich, et al., Case No. 3:18-cv-01791-AGT (the “Action”) in the United States District Court, Northern District of California. The Settlement Class includes all persons who participated in the Global Financial Data Project.
Plaintiffs Qiuzi Hu, Edwin Ramirez, Ivan Ronceria, and Wenzhi Fei (“Plaintiffs” or “Class Representatives”) sued Defendants Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich and BizQualify LLC (“Defendants”) for their alleged violations of California Labor Code, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), fraud, false advertising, breach of contract, unfair competition, and related claims, in connection with the Global Financial Data Project (“GFDP”), an online course operated by the Defendants. Plaintiffs have voluntarily dismissed all claims against former-defendant Powerlytics, Inc., which is no longer a defendant in the Action. If you received a copy of this Notice, it is likely because Defendants’ records showed that you participated in the GFDP during the relevant period.
The Parties have agreed to settle the Action in its entirety. On March 2, 2020, the Court issued an order granting final approval of the settlement, the incentive awards to Class Representatives, and an award for attorneys’ fees to class counsel.
NOTE: Class members who wish to review the unredacted settlement agreement must first review and sign a copy of the stipulated protective order’s Agreement to be Bound. Upon receipt of the signed Agreement to be Bound, the Settlement Administrator will provide you with a password to view the unredacted Class Settlement Agreement. To contact the settlement administrator for further instructions click here.