Berkeley Troy Worden v. BAMN Yvette Felarca Lawsuit
Troy Worden on Fox & Friends January 9, 2018 about our court victory against ANTIFA activist Yvette Felarca of BAMN, requiring her to pay us over $11,000 in attorney fees and costs
Dhillon Law Group’s letter to UC Berkeley’s Interim Vice Chancellor regarding the cancellation of Ann Coulter’s speech on campus
April 20, 2017
It all started with the cancellation of Ann Coulter’s and Milo Yiannopoulos’ cancelled speeches at UC Berkeley.
Read Dhillon Law Group’s response to UC Berkeley regarding suppression of free speech on campus
Latest News on Worden v. BAMN

California Supreme Court Denies Berkeley Agitator’s Meritless appeal
The California Supreme Court finally put an end to the utterly frivolous litigation brought by Yvette Felarca against former Berkeley College Republican president, Troy Worden.

Court Orders BAMN Leader Pay Former Berkeley College Republican President
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 4, 2018 Court orders BAMN leader Yvette Felarca to pay $11,100 to former Berkeley College Republican president Troy Worden Hayward, Calif.

UPDATE: January 4, 2018 – Court Orders BAMN Leader Pay Former Berkeley College Republican President
Commissioner Thomas Rasch of the Superior Court of Alameda County ordered Berkeley By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) leader Yvette Felarca to pay former Berkeley College

UPDATE: December 15, 2017 – Troy Worden Files Motion Against BAMN Leader, Seeking $100,000+ In Damages
Troy Worden—the former president of the Berkeley College Republicans—has filed a motion against Yvette Felarca, well-known instigator and anarchist, who filed a frivolous civil restraining